Wise Cowboy Quotes
Do you love cowboys? Cowboys love riding horses and you know them for their bravery. Did you know that cowboys have a lot of quotes? The quotes…
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The cowgirl: She is strong willed and independent
The cowgirl: She is strong willed and independent. She’s as beautiful inside as she is outside. She’ll never take no for an answer; and when she is…
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Life is not about how fast you run or how high you climb
Life is not about how fast you run or how high you climb. It’s about how well you bounce.
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The cowboy’s horse is what separates him from …
The cowboy’s horse is what separates him from vagabondage and migratory labor.
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Cowboy. Sit tall in the saddle, your eyes on the horizon
Cowboy. Sit tall in the saddle, your eyes on the horizon, Don’t let your worries get you down.
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Now, you can be assured that cowboys work hard, but they also play hard
Now, you can be assured that cowboys work hard, but they also play hard.
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To the outsider it’s hard to comprehend, but …
To the outsider it’s hard to comprehend, but any cowboy can tell you that rodeo gets in your blood, almost like an addiction. It’s a craving that…
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Today’s cowboy must know more than how to handle horses and cattle
Today’s cowboy must know more than how to handle horses and cattle
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Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It…
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What separates a winner from the rest of the pack is …
What separates a winner from the rest of the pack is not raw talent or physical ability, it is the drive and dedication to work hard every…
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