Just because you couldn’t do it yesterday, …

Just because you couldn’t do it yesterday, doesn’t mean you can’t do it today

I was lecture a client in the week about doing something they need wanted to try to to for years…and haven’t done anything with yet. once we began to discuss what was within the way, this lovely obstacle raised its head “I haven’t done it up til now”. i really like this obstacle, it’s with great care sweet! you recognize , pretty, colourful, no nutritional value in the least .

Seriously, there’s nothing to the present obstacle – it’s sleight of hand, it’s a mirage, it’s not real in the least . There’s no substance thereto whatsoever. Yesterday I hadn’t driven a particular way home from Birmingham Heartlands Hospital. Today, I did. the very fact that I hadn’t ever done it before had zero pertaining to whether I could roll in the hay today.

I could, of course, have told myself “I’ve never done that before, so I won’t now”, but I didn’t. Actually I came home that way precisely because I never had before! just about whenever I drive home from Heartlands Hospital i’m going a special way…often accidentally because I miss my turning! Anyway…

Just because you’ve got never done something within the past doesn’t mean you can’t roll in the hay now.

I do understand this self-imposed limitation. So do elephant keepers. When elephants are babies, keepers will tie them to a stout post which they can’t pull down, because they’re small. When they’re big, they need learned that they can’t pull down the post, in order that they don’t try. The bitter irony is in fact , that a full-grown elephant can easily escape.

It’s called Learned Helplessness. Animals (and we) learn that they can’t do something, or there are unpleasant and painful consequences for trying. So we don’t try anymore. This makes me angry and sad all directly – especially when it’s a lie, it’s not true that you simply can’t do what you would like . Maybe you tried before and you failed and it hurt. Welcome to the human race! Now, you employ what you learned therein failure and you are trying again.

Perhaps you fail again, perhaps you fail less spectacularly, perhaps you meet up with to success…but you usually learn. Scratch the surface of the many a successful person and you’ll find failure in their past. you’ll find that they made no sales/money…until the day they did. You’ll find writers who had never written a book…and then they did!

Let the story go that you simply didn’t do whatever yesterday – you didn’t yoga, or write, or read, or meet your friends as often as you’d like. Talking about not having done it doesn’t assist you catch on done. that specialize in the very fact you’ve not done it simply causes you to feel bad, inadequate, lazy. But it doesn’t move you forward – unless you’re watching why you haven’t done it and the way you’ll remove any obstacles that stopped you within the past.

Even then, the why’s are often past why’s. such as you didn’t have time once you had a full time job and three children under 3…but now, circumstances may have changed. Or the why could be something like “I forgot”. All you’ll neutralize that instance is remind yourself of it…and if you’re thinking of it now, you’re reminded. Now crack on and do the thing that you’ve been not doing! Sometimes watching the why’s for past inaction is beneficial . Sometimes you only got to apply the cure for learned helplessness.

The cure for this learned helplessness is action.

Unless it genuinely is impossible (as in nobody , anywhere, ever, has done that thing), take some action to form what you hadn’t done yesterday something you’ve now done. Before I visited Australia on my very own I’d never been to Australia, travelled alone, backpacked, slept during a dormitory as an adult, or eaten Moroccan food. Before I started a business, I’d never started a business. Before I wrote a book, I’d never written a book.

Before you’ve done whatever it’s you would like to try to to , you won’t have done it (and if you don’t actually need to try to to it, then stop beating yourself up for not having done it and begin congratulating yourself for not having wasted some time doing something you don’t want to do!) It means nothing that you simply haven’t done it yet. Do it now. Take your past lack of action and learn from it, take past failures and find out how to succeed.

Take yesterday’s story of ‘not having done it’ and throw it within the bin!

Go and do whatever it’s you would like to try to to . Just take one teeny tiny baby step – then you’ll be a step closer thereto than you were yesterday. Yesterday is within the past, it doesn’t define the longer term . What you are doing now and what decisions you create now will define your future. So take action and make the choice to not let your past inaction dictate your future.

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